Taylor Smith

Software Developer

About Me

Hello there! I'm Taylor, a Full Stack Software Developer and a proud graduate of the Boise CodeWorks Boot Camp. I'm passionate about honing my skills and contributing to the success of your team.

Before venturing into the tech industry, I spent several years managing and leading teams in the shipping and operations sector. This experience has given me a unique perspective that I believe can be valuable in software development, particularly when it comes to collaborating with others. With my skills and experience, I'm confident that I can make a positive impact on your team.

I'm dedicated to delivering high-quality results and meeting deadlines. I enjoy working with my colleagues to find ways to improve and grow as a developer. As an experienced Full Stack Developer with a degree in Business Management & Leadership, I have a strong grasp of Scrum methodologies and a focused work ethic. Additionally, I'm a collaborative team player who has worked with all members of the organization to achieve business objectives.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my portfolio website!

Coding Languages and Frameworks


HTML • CSS • JavaScript • SQL • C#


Vue.js • React.js • Node.js • Sass • Bootstrap • .NET


Express • MongoDB • Mongoose • Dapper • MySQL


Visual Studio Code • Postman • Figma

Programming Concepts

Auth0 • SCRUM • Object Oriented Programming • RESTful APIs • SOLID principles


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Get in touch with me!